A Study for Change of blood after sports motion 운동후(運動後)에 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
14(0) 1-7, 1977
A Study for Change of blood after sports motion 운동후(運動後)에 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)
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A study on the developments of physical fitness in Korean youth 한국(韓國) 청소년(靑少年)의 체력발달(體力發達)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
14(0) 9-26, 1977
A study on the developments of physical fitness in Korean youth 한국(韓國) 청소년(靑少年)의 체력발달(體力發達)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the curve of morphological growth and functional developments of Korean Youth from 12 to 17 years old. Anthropometric (Height, body weight and chest girth) and physical fitness (strength, power, endurance, agility, coordination, flexibility, and speed) measurements were male on 7771 males and 8088 females in 44 junior and 44 senior high school students in every districts.
The results were summalized as follows ;
1) The urban area students show the better development in the physical conditions like the height, body weight, chest girth, etc. than the rural area students.
2) The development of the physical conditions of the students has been greatly increased since the enforcement of the Bill of Physical Strength.
3) The Physical development of the students between 1974 and 1976 in far more remarkable than that between 1972 and 1974.
4) The improved physical fitness of the students appears most remarkable in throwing, sit up but the Physical fitness for long distance running has suffered a slight setback.
5) The urban area students show the better development of physical fitness in all the entries except long distance running, in which the rural area students, male or female, have proved to be superior.
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A Study on the Recreational activities of the college student 대학생(大學生)의 Recreation 활동(活動)에 대(對)한 실태조사연(實態調査硏究) (D대학(大學)을 중심(中心)으로)
14(0) 27-44, 1977
A Study on the Recreational activities of the college student 대학생(大學生)의 Recreation 활동(活動)에 대(對)한 실태조사연(實態調査硏究) (D대학(大學)을 중심(中心)으로)
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A Study on the Status of the Gymnastics diffusion of city Primary School (Ⅰ) 도시(都市) 국민학교(國民學校) 체조보급(體操普及)의 실제(實際)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅰ) - 지도자(指導者)를 중심(中心)으로 -
鄭義權EuiKwunChung , 南宗憲JongHunNam
14(0) 45-61, 1977
A Study on the Status of the Gymnastics diffusion of city Primary School (Ⅰ) 도시(都市) 국민학교(國民學校) 체조보급(體操普及)의 실제(實際)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅰ) - 지도자(指導者)를 중심(中心)으로 -
鄭義權EuiKwunChung , 南宗憲JongHunNam
I. The purpose of this Study
The authorities concerned is instructing gymnastics item to the primary school children so as to improve people’s physical standard, but many problem is coming out in practical guidance. If we analyze the factor in this problem, we can devide three factors of leader, children’s consciousness structure, establishment and the administration system. The purpose of this study, breaking the problems of the gymnastics diffusion through the gymnastics teachers of 130 national public and private primary schools, diffuses the gymnastics effectively and contribute the improvement of people’s Physical Standard.
II. The contents of this study
①The member of gymnastics at one week is like the following that three hours is 78.2%, the special activity except regular hours is 18.08% and two hours is 3.19%.
② The practical guidance of gymnastics is like the following that a class teacher’s guidance is 63.82%, coach guidance is 23.4% and the head gymnastics teacher is 12.76%.
③ The focus of gymnastic in school gymnastics hours is like following that only to do preparation warming up is 70.21%. Only to do gymnastics for an half one week is 25.53%, and not to do gymnastics is 4.25%.
④ The contents of gymnastics are like the following to combine empty hand(free exercise) and heavy gymnastics is 88.29%, Only to do empty hand gymnastics is 11.70%.
⑤ The gymnastics diffusion except regular hours is like following when morning meeting and lunch time is 69.14%, special activity time is 26.59%, 4.25% is not to do.
⑥ The leader’s ability for the gymnastics is like following that general ability is 44.68% non-ability is 34.04% and good ability is 21.07%.
⑦ The reason for the disability is like the following that lacking in curriculum in the past college life is 35.10%, neglecting the past college lesson is 26.59%, not to do the past college lesson in the least is 20.21%, lacking in ability and good qualities are 18.08%.
⑧ The difficulties of the present gymnastics guidance are like the following that a hortage of ability is 48.93%, a shortage of spare time is 20.21%.
⑨ The reason for non-shortage is like following that not to do response is 69.14%, the reason to learn gymnastics is 9.57%, the children’s good response is 8.51%, the good cooperation of the school authorities is 6.38%, good ability is 6.38%.
⑩ The practice of gymnastics lesson in the primary school’s college and teacher’s college is like the following that only to do an free exercise is 40.42%, to do a little in the practical gymnastics lesson is 24.46%, 20.21% is not establishment and leader it is 14.89%, that there is a regular time, but not an interest.
⑪ The number of gymnastics lesson in the past college life is like the following that two hours is 32.97%, 24.46% is not in the least, three hours is 20.21%.
⑫ The focus of the gymnastics Practice of the present primary school’s college is like the following that 47.87% is not to answer, not to do heavy-gymnastics nearly is 27.65%, lacking in expert professor is 13.82%, only to do free exercise is 7.44% to do gymnastics practics much is 3.19%.
⑬ Besides these contents, teacher’s opinions are leader’s especially training, the necessity of all teacher’s gymnastics institutes, in gymnastics guidance of an head master and man aging teacher, the official announcement as a general college physical education department’s graduate.
III. The result of this Study
For gymnastics diffusion’s expansion of primary school, we reorganize a curriculum of primary school’s college, we must strengthen gymnastics institutes of leader and head gymnastics teacher’s activities, must be improve the interests in gymnastics of all teacher.
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A study on Kicks as the Direct Methods of Gaining Scores in Rugby Football Game. - Based on the data of the 5th Asian Rugby Football tournament - - 경기(競技)중 직접득점방법(直接得點方法)으로서 Kick이 차지하는 위치(位置)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) - 제5회 아세아 럭비풋보울 경기대회를 중심으로 -
14(0) 63-70, 1977
A study on Kicks as the Direct Methods of Gaining Scores in Rugby Football Game. - Based on the data of the 5th Asian Rugby Football tournament - - 경기(競技)중 직접득점방법(直接得點方法)으로서 Kick이 차지하는 위치(位置)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) - 제5회 아세아 럭비풋보울 경기대회를 중심으로 -
In the 5th Asian Rugby Football Tournament held in Seoul, Korea, from November 12th to November 20th,1976, Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and Malaysia played four league games one another.
Du ring the four games, I studied the gaining scores by “penalty kicks” caused by 15 penalties, and reached a conclusion as follows:
1. During the four games, the total sco-res were 406 points, and among them, the scores by “Kicks” were 134 points, which were 30% of the total scores.
2. The chances of “goal Kicks” were' 137 times and among them the rate of success was 23times, which were 17.4%.
3. The chances of “goal Kicks” after “try” were 68 times, and among them the rate of success are 31 times, which are 47%.
4. The attempt of gaining score by “drop Kicks” was only once, which succeeded in gaining score, but it had no statistical meaning.
1 . If only we developed the skillful kicks of individual player and all these kicks succeeded in gaining scores, the ratio of “Kicks” was similar to ‘‘try’: and there was a possibility which would lead to the reversing victory and defeat. -
2. Even though Japan was the first jn game records, Japan was inactive in “penalty Kicks,” I didn’t Know exactly the reason, but may be Japan aimed at playing games considering the gaining scores.
3. Generally speaking, all the players were lack in the skill of Kicks, so the coaches must be interested in this, and must make efforts in development of skills.
This must be the first subject in gaining good game records.
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Appendix : A study on Leisure and Leisure Activities : (An Analysis of the Life of Student in Seoul) 부록(附錄) : 도시대학생(都市大學生)의 여가시간(餘暇時間)및 여가활동(餘暇活動)의 연구(硏究) - 서울시내(市內) 대학생(大學生)의 생활분석(生活分析)을 중심(中心)으로 -
14(0) 71-85, 1977
Appendix : A study on Leisure and Leisure Activities : (An Analysis of the Life of Student in Seoul) 부록(附錄) : 도시대학생(都市大學生)의 여가시간(餘暇時間)및 여가활동(餘暇活動)의 연구(硏究) - 서울시내(市內) 대학생(大學生)의 생활분석(生活分析)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The present thesis is a survey of a thousand college and university students form 28 institutions in Seoul on the leisure time and their leisure activities with the questionnaire of 55 items administered between April and July 1971 and which were seperately analized for (1) weekdays, (2) Saturdays, and (3) Sundays.
The selection of students was based on two stage stratified cluster sampling technique with such variables as sex and major(Science VS. non Science fields)as the major classifying criteria.
A thousand copies of the questionaire were distributed in the period between June 15, 1971 and July 5, 1971. Among them 936 sheets (93.6%) were resumed, but some sheets which made two or more answers wers at the choose-one request were all removed. and then 924 sheets were left behind at length. The result of examination is as follws:
I. Leisure time
1) The leisure time of the college students is about 4 hours and 52 minutes average on a week day which covers 20.3% of the daily activities and approximately the same proportion as of class work a day. Especially Staurday marks leisure time of 8 hours and 6 minutes which covers 33.8% of the daily activities and Sunday marks 11 hours and 37 minutes which covers 48.4%
2) The variable in sex, academic years. majors. employment and the amount of money available shows remarkable corresponding variances in the availability of leisure time and its use.
II. Status of Leisure activities
1) College student’s leisure activities in the home show limits of "reading papers of magazines" and "enjoying the radio. TV or music". It seems that they enjoy no more than the passive leisure activities dependent much in the Masscom.
2) A response to "going home immediatly after class" shows 43.2%(male, 37.5% and female, 54.8%) It tells a large part of students doesn’t participate in the extracurricular activities are covered only with "circle activity" (participating rate, 13.9%) and "enjoying sports" (participating rate 5.8%).
3) The leisure activities of Saturday show that "to meet friends" (32.6%) and "to have a date" or " to go to tearoom" are the main activities. Those of Sunday show that "to meet friends" (40.9%) and "to go hiking" (19.8%) are the main parts.
4) The leisure activities in the summer and winter vacations show various aspects. In summer "going to seashore", "traveling," "service activities", "climbing," reading", "fishing," "driving practice" and the likes are involves. The contents of those activities are open to everybody, active and constructive, and are different from those of school terms. In winter "reading," "skating," "climbing", "traveling," "collecting and hobby," "hunting," "service activities," and "skiing" are involved, and those activities are made up with the nature’s characteristic scenery of the winter. It is observed that such activities examined above consist chiefly of outdoor activities in the nature.
5) The difference in academic years and in majors for both sexes did not produce statistically signifi cant difference at 0.01 level(X² test) in their leisure activities. However, it is interesting to note that the sex variance when collectively considered made significant difference 0.01 level.
III. Evaluation of and response to the leisure activities
1) Most of the college students spend their leisure time in the passive manner, but they don’t feel so much interested in that; otherwise they are looking for the interests in such vigorous activities as climbing, spots, travel. And to the question what they hope under the circumstances permitted, the first of all, travel is prevalent with man and woman students together and driving, horse riding, climbing, and sports which would provide speed or thrill for them, and the circle activities are following it.
2) To the question of feeling pleasure in the leisure activities 60% of response is shown, and to that of gaining interest from the leisure activities 74.7% is responeded. It means that they complely worth pursuing.
3) The leisure activities are evaluated on the points of the mental and psychological effects; of the development of social characters as well as formation and improvement of human-relationship; of wise use of leisure time and of improving efficiency.
4) The negative response which couldn’ expect to be provided with any interests is attributed to "spending much money" “making trouble in study:’ “not pleased with it,” “not interested in it” and the likes. Answers to the question on the factors which impede the leisure activities are “no spare time”, “no equipments of facilities for the leisure activities’’, no knowledge of method or skill for leisure activities.
By the examination of such factors or causes impedemental to the leisure activities following clues are found out:
1. They don’t have any appropriate idea to use the time wisely.
2. There lacks in facilities for the leisure activities.
3. They are lacking in knowledge, skill, methods, habitual attitude toward leisure activities.
4. They misunderstand that the leisure activities take large expenses.
These clues will be presented in the main conclusion and meet a remarkable challenge in the field of leisure time and leisure activities.
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Pransbuce system in human power 인체(人體) 힘의 변환계(變換系) - 스포오츠적성(適性)의 관점(觀點)에서 -
14(0) 87-90, 1977
Pransbuce system in human power 인체(人體) 힘의 변환계(變換系) - 스포오츠적성(適性)의 관점(觀點)에서 -